I had a little hiccup on Friday when walking around the Nolita, Little Italy and Tribeca neighborhoods.... I went there in search of a bon voyage gift for my old boss, and somehow ended up with a few new items for myself. I know this is really disappointing especially considering how close to the end of my month of no new clothing shopping I was (I fell off the wagon on day 22).
In my defense...they were really good deals, and they're made by the eco-responsible brand, Rogan.
I also couldn't resist a glass bead necklace from the SurEvolution sample sale- *technically* this doesn't even fall under that category of "new clothes".
Nonetheless, I am disappointed in myself for not sticking to my pledge, which I was finding very satisfying and creatively stimulating. So I'm back on the wagon once again, and have decided to tack another week on to the end of my SwoC month to pay penance. I'll now been done with my SwoC pledge on June 30, rather than the 23rd, and that week will allow for plenty of time to reflect on my shopping indiscretion.
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