Last month I knitted two scarves:
- a Montego Bay Scarf as a gift
- a Mistake Rib Scarf for my BIL to match the beanie I made him for Christmas
I'm finally putting the finishing touches on these items (lightly ironing, sewing on my labels, photographing/documenting), and am feeling the desire to have a self-made scarf to keep even more acutely.

Pattern: Montego Bay Scarf by Amy Singer, in Interweave Knits Summer 2007
Incense from Elann in Lagoon (I think), 50% wool, 25% silk, 25% bamboo
Needles: Thrifted aluminum size 10 straights
-Pattern: This is a super-easy lace pattern that still manages to be interesting because of the growing bias it creates. I read others claiming that this is lace for the non-lace knitter/wearer, and I think that's definitely true, considering myself a non-lace person in general. I think this scarf will suit the recipient well. She loves to dance, and fishnet-y lace has a nice weight and cling to it that'll compliment movement well. Note that I left off the fringe. I'm not against fringe, but I actually ran out of yarn.
-Yarn: I made this scarf for someone who has the most gorgeously natural, brilliant red hair- I'm talking Pre-Raphaelite hair, people. I'm so excited for her to get this in the mail because I think the silk and bamboo shine of the yarn combined with the pretty blue color will totally pop with her coloring. The yarn is lovely- I'll buy again. It's soft, non-itchy and shiny, but still has that "toothy" woolyness to it that I find so reassuring.

Pattern: basic Mistake Rib, "my own pattern"
Yarn: KnitPicks Wool of the Andes, Cascade 220, and Plymouth Tweed (see
this post for the matching hat)
Needles: Clover bamboo size 8 straights
Pattern: I wanted the scarf to match the hat, but I couldn't bare the thought of bothering to knit 2x2 ribbing for the length of an extra-long scarf (my BIL is over 6 feet tall), and then having it bunch itself to half the width, as rib knit tends to do. So instead I knit a mistake rib scarf, which still bunches, but less so. Believe it or not, this did not languish on the needles. I was watching season 3 of Lost and America's Next Top Model marathons throughout January, and this was the perfect companion. I washed and blocked this scarf before moving, but it wasn't satisfactorily flat, so I ironed it today and even lightly steamed it. Now it's very flat and fluid.